Most Important Application Writing in English

Most Important Application Writing in English

Application List:
1. Writing an application to your Headmaster for Full studentship.
2. Writing an application to your Headmaster for a Half holiday.
3. Write an application  to your Headmaster for a Transfer Certificate.
4. Write an application to your Headmaster for permission to go on a Study tour.

1. Writing an application to your Headmaster for Full studentship.

20 October 2019

The headmaster
.............. High School

Sub : Prayer for a full free studentship.

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class vii in your school. My father is a poor farmer. He cannot bear my educational expenses. Two of my brother’s read in a college. We have no landed property. I have obtain 1st position in the last annual examination.
I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a fulll free studentship and oblige thereby.
Your obediently

2. Writing an application to your Headmaster for a Half holiday.

20 October 2019

The headmaster
.............. High School

Sub : Prayer for a half holiday.

We the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that the final game of the Inter school Football Tournament is going to be played between our school and Govt. Boys high school today at 4pm in our school field. We wish to witness the football match
We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
Your obediently
On behalf of the students of class ....

3. Write an application  to your Headmaster for a Transfer Certificate.

20 October 2019

The headmaster
.............. High School

Sub : Prayer for a transfer certificate.

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class vii in your school. My father is a Govt employee. Recently he has been transferred from Sonpur to Nurpur in Chittagong. My family has already been shifted there. There are no relatives where I can stay.So,I am badly in need of a transfer certificate from your school.
I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby.
Your obediently

4. Write an application to your Headmaster for permission to go on a Study tour.

20 October 2019

The headmaster
.............. High School

Sub : Prayer for permission to go on a study tour.

We the students of your famous school beg most respectfully to state that we are willing to go on a study tour at paharpur to naogaon. it is a historical place. Study tour is a part of education. The study tour will help us to acquire knowledge and pleasure and even broaden our out look. Moreover, a study tour will increase our knowledge. Our English teacher Mr. khan has given his consent to guide us. Now we need financial as well as other help to arrange it.
We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to go on the study tour.

Your obediently
On behalf of the students of class ....

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