Class Three English Sheet 1-6, Download in MS Word

Sheet - 1
Model Test – 1 
Class –III
Subject : English 1st Paper
Time : 1 Hour                                                                                            Full Marks : 20
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
T:- There are 30 days in September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 days, Not February, It’s a different one. It has 28, that’s fine. A Leap Year makes it 29.
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.                                                                                               5       
Column A
Column B
a)     Month
         i.      not similar
b)     Rest
      ii.      a large number of
c)     Different
    iii.      time or thing remaining
d)     Leap year
    iv.      the year consisting of 366 days
e)     Many
       v.      Same thing

    vi.      a period of 30 days.

  vii.      Ensure
2. Write true or false of the following Sentences:                                                          5
(a)January has 31 days.                                          (b)In Leap Year February has 28 days.
(c)Half year is six months of a year.                      (d)There are 36 days in a year.
(e) June comes after May.                                      (f)A Leap Year has three days more.
3. Answer the following questions:                                                                             2×5=10
(a)How many months in a year?                            (b) Which month is different from others?
(c) How many months have 31 days?                    (d)What is the last month?
(e) How many days make a year?                          (f) When does A Leap Year come?

Answer Sheet (M-1)
1.  (a + vi)) : Month a period of 30 days..
(b + iii) : Rest time or thing remaining.
(c + i) : Different not similar.
(d + iv) : Leap year the year consisting of 366 days.
(e + ii) : Many a large number of.
2. Ans: (a) True    (b) False (c) True (d) False (e) True (f) False
3. (a) *There are twelve months in a year.
(b) February is different from others.
(c) There are seven months have 31 days.
(d) December is the last month of the year.
(e) Three hundred sixty five days make a year.
(f) A Leap Year comes after three years.

Sheet - 2
Model Test- 2 
Class:  STD- III
Subject : English 1st Paper
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
I’m a cat. In the morning, I’m lazy and slow. I get up late. In the afternoon, I’m active. I catch rats. I’m quick! I’m a clean animal. I wash myself every day.
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.                                                                               5
Column A
Column B
(i) the last hour of the day.
(b) Slow
(ii) one who is fast to do something.
(c) Morning
(iii) the middle part of the day.
(d) Quick
(iv) busy in doing something
(e) Lazy
(v) the first hour of the day.

(vi) unwilling to do work.

(vii) not quick to do something
2. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ if the statement is true or write ‘False’ if the statement is false. (any – 5)                                              5
(a) The cat gets up early.                   (b) It is lazy in the afternoon.
(c) The cat is a wild animal.              (d) The cat catches rats.
(e) The cat is a dirty animal.              (f) The passage is about a cat.
3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences.(any – 5)       2×5 = 10
(a) When does the cat get up?           (b) How is the cat in the afternoon?
(c) Why is the cat clean?                   (d) What does the cat hunt?
(e) How is the cat in the morning?    (f) What is the passage about?

Sheet - 3
Model Test – 3 
(Class –III)
Subject : English 1st Paper
Time : 1 Hour                                                                                            Full Marks : 20
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
I’m a crow. I live in a tree. I get up early in the morning. I’m active all day. I fly in the sky and look for food. Sometimes I take food from people. I’m very quick. Sometimes I eat dirty things.
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.                                                                                                      5
Column A
Column B
(a) Crow
(i) a tall plant that can live a long time.
(b) Tree
(ii) to carry or move something from one place to another.
(c) Look
(iii) to do something.
(d) Take
(iv) a cunning bird.
(e) Dirty
(v) not clean.

(vi) happening before the expected time.

(vii) search of something.
2. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ if the statement is true or write ‘False’ if the statement is false. (any – 5)                                                                    5
 (a) Crows usually live in the houses.              (b) A crow gets up early in the morning.
(c) The crow looks for food in the afternoon. (d) A crow is a slow bird.
(e) Crows sometimes eat dirty things.             (f) Crows are active only in the morning.
3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences.(any – 5)      2×5 = 10
(a) How is the nature of the crow?                   (b) What good does a crow do for us?
(c) What is the passage about?                         (d) What is the bad side of a crow?
(e) What does a crow usually do?                     (f) When does a crow get up?

Answer Sheet (M-3)
1. (a + iv) :Crow a cunning bird.
(b + i)) :Tree a tall plant that can live a long time.
(c + vii) :Look search of something.
(d + ii) :Take to carry or move something from one place to another.
(e + vi) Dirty not clean.
2. (a) False            (b) True      (c) False      (d) False      (e) True       (f) False
3. (a) The crow is an active bird.
(b) A crow keeps the environment clean by eating dirty things.
(c) The passage is about the nature of the crow.  (d) A crow takes away food from people.
(e) A crow usually flies in the sky and looks for food.(f) A crow gets up early in the morning.

Sheet - 4
Model Test – 4 
(Class –III)
Subject : English 1st Paper
Time : 1 Hour                                                                                            Full Marks : 20
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
Maliha is Bangladeshi. She comes from Dhaka. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. Maliha lives near the Buriganga River. The river is very big. In June, July and August this three month there is a lot of rain in Bangladesh
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.                                                                                                                     5
Column A
Column B
(a) Big
(i) water that falls from.
(b) A lot of
(ii) a citizen of Bangladesh.
(c) Rain
(iii) any person living in Bangladesh.
(d) Bangladeshi
(iv) large in size.
(e) Near
(v) not very far.

(vi) large quantity.

(vii) very far.
2. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ if the statement is true or write ‘False’ if the statement is false. (any – 5)                                                              5
(a) The home district of Maliha is Dhaka.     
(b) Maliha’s nationality is British.
(c) Dhaka stands on the Buriganga River.     
(d) The Buriganga is a small river.
(e) There is a lot of rain in December in Bangladesh.    
(f) Maliha lives near the Buriganga.
3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences-(any 5)         2×5 = 10
(a) Where does Maliha live?                           (b) When do we have a lot of rain?
(c) What are the big rivers of Bangladesh?     (d) What is Buriganga?
(e) What is the capital city of Bangladesh?     (f) Where is Dhaka situated?

Answer Sheet (M-4)
1. (a + iv) : Big  large in size.
(b + vi) :  A lot of  large quantity.
(c + i) :Rain water that falls from the sky.
(d + ii) :Bangladeshi a citizen of Bangladesh.
(e + v) : Near not very far.
2. Ans: (a) True    (b) False      (c) True       (d) False      (e) False      (f) True
3. (a) Maliha lives near the river Buriganga.       
(b)We have a lot of rain in June, July and August.
(c) The big rivers of Bangladesh are the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the Karnafuly etc.
(d) Buriganga is one of the big rivers in Bangladesh.    
(e) The capital city of Bangladesh is Dhaka.                          
(f) Dhaka is situated on the bank of the Buriganga.

Sheet - 5
Model Test- 5 
(Class- III)
Subject : English 1st Paper
Time : 1 Hour                                                                                            Full Marks : 20
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
Fazale and Saiful are playing near the pond. Fazale says,”Listen, Saiful. There are frogs here! Let’s see them!” Fazale is happy.”I have an idea, “Saiful says. He throws a stone. “Stop! Fazale says. The frogs swim away. “Sorry, “Saiful says.
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B. 5                                                                                                   5
Column A
Column B
(a) Near
(i) thought.
(b) Here
(ii) sound of frog.
(c) Happy
(iii) sad.
(d) Crock
(iv) close to.
(e) Idea
(v) glad

(vi) in this place.

(vii) thought.
2. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ if the statement is true or write ‘False’ if the statement is false. (any – 5)                                                      5
(a) Fazale and Saiful are quarreling.          (b) They are playing near the river.
(c) There are frogs in the pond.                  (d) Fazale is disappointed.
(e) Saiful has an idea.                                 (f) Fazale throws a stone.
3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences- (any 5)          2×5=10
(a) Who is happy?                                      (b) Where areFazale and Saiful playing?
(c) What does Saiful throw?                       (d) Who has an idea?
(e) What does the frog do?                         (f) Write three sentences about the story.  

Answer Sheet (M-5)
1. (a + iv) : Near close to.
(b + vi) :  Here in this place.
(c + v) : Happy glad.
(d + ii) : Crock sound of frog.
(e + i) :  Idea - thought.
2. Ans: (a) False             (b) False      (c) True       (d) False      (e) True       (f) False
3. (a) Fazale is happy.             (b) Fazale and Saiful are playing near the pond.
(c) Saiful throws a stone.        (d) Saiful has an idea.              
(e) The frogs swim away.
(f) Fazale and Saiful see frogs during playing near the pond. Saiful throws a stone. The frogs swim away.

Sheet - 6
Model Test – 6 
(Class –III)
Subject : English 1st Paper
Time : 1 Hour                                                                                       Full Marks : 20
Read the following text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
I’m Tisha.I’m in class class 3. There are four people in my family. My mother is a teacher. My father is a banker. My brother is two years old.
1. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B. 5                                                                                                      5
Column A
Column B
(a) Student
(i) aged.
(b) People
(ii) a person who works for a bank.
(c) Banker
(iii) a place where we live together.
(d) Old
(iv) teacher.
(e) Family
(v) learner.

(vi) public.

(vii) ages.
2. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ if the statement is true or write ‘False’ if the statement is false. (any – 5)                                                            5
(a) Tisha is a teacher.                                          (b) Tisha reads in class two.
(c) Tisha’s Family has four members.                (d) Tisha’s mother is a teacher.
(e) Tisha’s father is a lawyer.                              (f) Tisha has a sister.
3. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences- (any 5)       2×5 = 10
(a) What is Tisha?                                            (b) What class is Tisha read in?
(c) How many brother and sister has Tisha?    (d) What does her mother do?
(e) How old is her brother?                              (f) How many people are in her family?

Answer Sheet (M-6)
1. (a + v) : Student learner.
(b + vi) :  People public.
(c + ii) : Banker a person who works for a bank.
(d + i) : Old aged.
(e + i) :  Family–a place where we live together.
2. Ans: (a) False   (b) False      (c) True       (d) True      (e) False      (f) False
3. (a) Tisha is a student.                                       (b) Tisha is in class three.
(c) Tisha has only one brother but no sister.        (d) Her mother is a teacher.              
(e) Her brother is two years old.                          (f) There are four people in her family.

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